• Gardening - Recipes

    Experiments in Planting and Cooking

    The Lord has blessed the earth with an amazing array of fruits, vegetables and herbs. Each produces seed according to its kind. I am thankful! I have begun to start a few tomato plants indoors, and I am looking forward to their fruit. I was happy to see that seed…

  • Faith - Flowers - Nature

    Celebrating Springtime

    Green is the color of spring time. The snow is melting and snowdrops are raising their white petals to the sun. I am looking forward to tulips and daffodils. I give thanks for the seasons and all that God has created in nature. In the soil, below the surface, plants…

  • Health - Herbs - Recipes

    Herbs in My Bay Window

    During the summer I have a bounty of fresh herbs. Sage, chives, oregano, mint, lavender and lemon balm are perennials in my yard. Sometimes thyme survives the winter and it comes back for a second or third season. Each summer I plant dill and basil. I am fortunate to have…

  • Children - Christmas - Nature

    Twelve Owls of Christmas

    Owls have always fascinated me. I received a handcrafted owl, made in Finland, as a gift. This owl will make a hooting sound when you blow on the hole at its tailfeathers. At Christmas I enjoy taking out ornaments that have been packed away. I have a number of owls…

  • Faith - Family - Herbs

    Giving Thanks in 2020

    Thanksgiving was different this year. We exchanged dishes with my daughter’s family but enjoyed the meal in our separate homes. My granddaughter made a delicious bundt cake and dinner rolls. Another granddaughter made the cranberry sauce. I made my traditional cornbread stuffing. We all had a wonderful meal. In the…

  • Faith - Flowers - Gardening - Herbs

    Saving Seeds with Hope

    The leaves are falling. Red gold and bronze. I have been raking the leaves, thankful for the outdoor activity. My miniature rose bush has surprised me, continuing to bloom even though we have had some nights of frost. The bright red blooms bring joy. The garden has been put to…

  • Faith - Gardening - Prayer

    The Right Life-map

    This past week I skipped my morning Bible study a couple of days. Instead I read a few articles in the newspaper at the breakfast table. The tension of our current time put my nerves on edge. I felt irritable. I drank more coffee and spent too much time on…

  • Flowers - Gardening

    Joy in the Garden

    It is a challenge to grow plants from seed, but there is a reward. I am delighted by Heirloom Bells of Ireland. This is the first year I have successfully grown them. As I walked around watering plants I noticed the first calendula bloom. This heirloom tomato plant is growing…